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  • 7 Simple Wrist Strengthening Exercises

    Wrist strengthening exercises make the wrist muscles stronger, and improve the flexibility and range of motion of your wrist joints and tendons. People who may benefit from wrist-strengthening exercises include athletes such as boxers, gymnasts, and tennis players. Workers at risk of carpal tunnel syndrome also may benefit from exercise to prevent injury.

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  • Causes of ECU Tendon Problems

    ECU stands for the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon, one of the major wrist tendons, located on the ulnar side of the wrist, which is the same side as the small finger. The ECU tendon starts on the back of the forearm and crosses the wrist joint directly on the side.

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  • Ulnar Nerve Lesions: Causes and Treatments of Nerve Damage

    An ulnar nerve injury (sometimes called an ulnar nerve lesion) can cause pain and numbness in your arm. Your arm might also feel weak if you hurt the nerve.Ulnar nerve injuries can happen from a variety of causes, including accidents and overuse. You can usually treat ulnar nerve injuries by avoiding movements or activities that make your symptoms worse, taking medication for pain, and possibly having surgery.

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  • Lidocaine may reduce pain at time of corticosteroid injection for hand, wrist conditions

    Patients who received lidocaine at the time of corticosteroid injection for hand and wrist conditions experienced lower pain intensity compared with those who did not receive lidocaine, according to presented results.

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  • 27 Causes of Finger Pain and How They Are Treated

    Finger pain can be caused by many things, from arthritis and injuries to infections and autoimmune diseases. Sometimes it can be difficult to diagnose the cause without extensive testing, including blood tests, imaging studies, nerve conduction studies, and the extraction of fluid from a joint space (arthrocentesis).

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