New Bionic Implant Allows Control of All Fingers
A multinational team of engineers and surgeons has developed a bionic hand with a high level of function in every finger -- a significant advance for amputees.
Treatment to Heal From Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is a painful condition that occurs when a tendon near the elbow is subjected to repetitive forces. While this issue may occur in golfers, it can happen to anyone and cause pain that spans from the wrist to the elbow on the inside of your arm.
What your hands say about your health
Your hands reveal a lot about the state of your health. This is something that has been recognized since at least the time of Hippocrates—the father of modern medicine.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Rotator Cuff Pain May Be Signs of Poor Heart Health
Having pain in your wrist, elbow, or shoulder can be the result of working a manual labor job, tackling physically demanding chores around the house, or simply getting older. However, new research suggests that these common aches and pains could also be linked to your heart health.
How To Relieve Pain After Hand Surgery With Less Opioids
Opioids are powerful “painkiller” medications commonly prescribed to treat pain after an injury or surgery. They include oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, and fentanyl. An unintended consequence of using this medication is opioid addiction, which can happen to anyone.