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  • Ask A Doctor: What Is The Lump On My Wrist?

    The most common cause of a lump on the back of the wrist is a ganglion cyst. This is the most common tumor in the hand and wrist. Ganglion cysts are seen frequently in the wrist but can occur at the base of the fingers or around the finger joints. The cyst is typically filled with fluid, and it will feel firm.

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  • Advice From A Certified Hand Therapist: Pickleball Wrist Pain: What’s All The ‘Racket’?

    Do you experience a dull and aching pain or soreness in your wrist during or after playing racket or paddle sports? Does your wrist feel stiff when reaching for low balls or flicking your wrist for those difficult and awkward shots? If you answered yes and your symptoms are located on the “pinky” side of your paddle wrist, then you have ulnar sided wrist pain.

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  • Give praise to the elbow: A bending, twisting marvel

    The elbow is an underappreciated joint that brings many daily tasks within your reach.

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  • What Causes Ridges in Fingernails?

    Ridges in fingernails can run horizontally or vertically.1 They are common and harmless, but some fingernail ridges-particularly horizontal ones-can indicate a health problem such as a thyroid issue.

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  • How Depression Affects Hand And Arm Symptoms

    Studies have shown that 1 in 8 patients who see a hand surgeon have symptoms of depression. This means that many patients can have hand issues and depression at the same time.

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